
Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Pickup Line

Pumping iron works wonders whether you go heavy or light, scientists say. In a study from Norway, exercisers who lifted lighter weights for 12 reps per set got comparably as strong as those who went for six reps per set with heavier metal. "They both increased arm strength by 9 percent and leg strength by 14 percent in eight weeks no matter which approach they took, as long as they did at least one set to complete exhaustion," says study author Reidar Aarskog, Ph. D. That means that whether you choose five- or 15-pound dumbbells, your final bicep or curl or overhead press needs to feel OMG tough. Test it: Try adding two more reps to your usual set. If you make it, it's time to trade up for bigger dumbbells.

Source: Bergen University College in Norway

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